Personal Loans

Personal Loans To Finance Your Wedding

Written by George Spearov

 A wedding is a big deal, and it’s not cheap!

And, if you’re going to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding, how do you pay for it?

You can save your money, take out a loan, or put it on a credit card.

A personal loan can be a great way to finance your wedding, especially if you have good credit or want to build your credit. It will have lower interest rates than credit cards too.

Plus, you can get a personal loan with a fixed interest rate, which can help you budget for your wedding expenses.

How Much Can I Borrow With A Personal Loan?

That depends on a number of factors, including your income, credit score, and the lender you choose. Generally, you can borrow up to $100,000 with a personal loan, but some lenders may offer more depending on your credit score.

Before you start thinking about how to finance your nuptials, ask yourself what you need.

Do you need to make a down payment and you plan to pay the rest in cash? Or are you looking to cover all the costs such as venue rental fees, photographer, caterer, flowers, invitations, etc.?

If you’re having trouble coming up with a dollar value, think about what you’d like to spend on your wedding and add 10% to 20%.

Is Getting A Wedding Loan Good For Me?

Asking family members for money can be tricky, and credit cards are too costly and can take forever to pay off.

Most people don’t want to ask their family because they feel they should be able to stand on their own two feet if they are old enough to get married.

With this in mind, getting a loan to cover the costs of a wedding shows maturity, and is a sound way to pay for your big day, as long as it doesn’t leave your financial situation stretched too thin, and you can fit the payments into your budget every month.

It will have lower interest rates than credit cards too.

Plus, you can get a personal loan with a fixed interest rate, which can help you budget your wedding expenses.

And, if you’re looking for stability and predictability in your monthly budget, fixed interest rates may be the best option for you. When comparing offers from different lenders, look for the option that will give you the monthly payments that best suit your needs .

When Should You Apply For A Wedding Loan?

Once you have decided to get married, and set a date, is the ideal time to get a loan to cover the costs of your wedding.

You can have an amazing wedding on any budget. Budget being the most important thing.

There is a lot of work in planning a wedding. You can hire a wedding planner and they will do everything and work within your budget, or you can do it yourself and save money, or have a bigger wedding.

It’s good to get a quote from a wedding planner as they will give you an itemized list of what you will need to do and get for your wedding day. You can use that as a guide if you’re going to do it yourself.

Get prices for everything itemized in a spreadsheet or on a sheet of paper. Spreadsheets are better because you can change one number and not need to add up everything again. Also, you can share them with a link.

When you have everything listed with firm costs, then is the time to get your personal wedding loan so you can reserve the date with caterers, church, reception hall and order your dresses and tuxes.

Reasons to get a wedding loan

  • It can help you pay for your wedding in advance, which can save you money in the long run.
  • It can help you build your credit.
  • Funding is fast and can sometimes be the same day you apply
  • You will receive a lump sum payment that can help you stay within your wedding budget
  • If the wedding date is in an extended period of time, you can start paying the loan back.

Disadvantages to taking out a wedding loan

  • You may end up paying more for your wedding overall because you have to pay interest on the loan
  • You will start your marriage with debt, which can be stressful
  • If there are any missed monthly payments it will hurt your credit scores
  • You may have to put up collateral (such as a home) in order to secure the loan

Here Are Other Ways to Cover Wedding Costs

Online Personal Loan Companies
A lot of Internet loan companies have become popular over the past few years. These companies offer loans that are funded by a group of people, rather than by a bank or other financial institution.

Here’s how it works: Online investors front money for you once you’ve been approved by the company in much the same way you’d be approved by a bank. Then you pay them back, including interest, just like you would a bank.

Take Out a Home Equity Line of Credit
An option but not really the best option. If you’re looking to borrow against your house, you’ll want to look into other options first.

Credit Cards
If you can pay off all the charges at the end of the month, using your credit card to pay for expenses as you incur them can be a great way to increase your credit rating and have a record of where your money went.

If you have a rewards card all the better as you get to rack up points or travel miles that could be used for your honeymoon. 

Win, win!