Category - Tax Relief Loans

Tax Relief Loans

4 Ways to Pay Back Taxes With The IRS Fresh Start

Taxpayers who owe back taxes often feel trapped. They’ve already paid their penalties, interest, and fines, and now they’re being hounded by collection agencies. It feels like there’s nowhere left to run. The IRS Fresh Start program can help taxpayers struggling to pay their federal taxes. The program was expanded in 2018 to include more flexible Offer-in-Compromise terms, which will enable some of the most financially distressed taxpayers to clear up their tax problems more quickly. In this post, I’ll share with you four Fresh Start options for taxpayers who owe back taxes, and explain how each option works.  This will help you to get back on track without having to pay additional fees. 4 Fresh Start Options For Taxpayers Behind On Their Tax Payments:  Installment...

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Tax Relief Loans

What to Look for When Choosing a Tax Relief Provider

If you owe back taxes and don’t know how you’re going to pay the debt, don’t panic. Take a deep breath and consider your options.  The FTC, the nation’s consumer protection agency, says that if you are having trouble paying bills, it’s often better to try to work out a payment plan with the IRS yourself than to pay someone else to negotiate a plan for you.  But is it? There are many companies offering tax relief services online. Some of these companies claim to offer free consultations and help with filing taxes. Others promise to get rid of penalties and interest charges. Still others will even file your return for you. Unfortunately, not all tax relief companies are legitimate. They prey on desperate taxpayers who are looking for quick fixes. These scammers...

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