Category - Personal Loans

Personal Loans

Bad Credit? No Problem! Here’s How to Get a Personal Loan What Exactly Is Bad Credit?

Bad credit is when your credit score is lower than average. A FICO Score is a number that lenders use to help them make decisions about whether to give someone a loan. FICO considers a credit score to be poor if it falls below 580. FICO is the industry standard for creditworthiness, used by over 90% of top lenders. Their scores help millions of people get the credit they need for a home, new car, or special purchase. A FICO score is a number that represents your creditworthiness at this moment. The higher the more likely you are to get a loan. A score of 580 or below is poor. This means that you are more likely to default on your loan. FICO Score Ranges Rating Description <580 Poor Well below the national average 580-669 Fair Below average of US consumers 670-739 Good Near or just...

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Personal Loans

Personal Loans To Finance Your Wedding

 A wedding is a big deal, and it’s not cheap! And, if you’re going to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding, how do you pay for it? You can save your money, take out a loan, or put it on a credit card. A personal loan can be a great way to finance your wedding, especially if you have good credit or want to build your credit. It will have lower interest rates than credit cards too. Plus, you can get a personal loan with a fixed interest rate, which can help you budget for your wedding expenses. How Much Can I Borrow With A Personal Loan? That depends on a number of factors, including your income, credit score, and the lender you choose. Generally, you can borrow up to $100,000 with a personal loan, but some lenders may offer more depending on your credit score. Before you...

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