Category - Mortgage Loans

Mortgage Loans

Frequently Asked Questions 1st Time Home Buyers Ask

There are many things to consider when buying a home, from the initial decision to start looking, to negotiating with the seller and finally closing on the property.  If you’re a first-time homebuyer, you may have questions about each stage of the process. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of questions in three categories: Looking for a home, Realtors and Offer and Acceptance LOOKING FOR A HOME FAQS When Is It Time To Stop Renting, And Buy A Home? The decision to buy a home vs. rent depends on many factors, including your financial situation, your lifestyle, and your long-term goals. Ultimately, you’ll need to decide what’s best for you. If you’re looking to build equity and have a place to call your own, buying a home may be the right choice. On the...

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Mortgage Loans

12 First-Time Home Buyer Mistakes That Will Cost You

One of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make is buying your first home. But, this experience can be very nerve-wracking.  You have to take into account a lot of factors, including how much money you’re willing to spend, where you want to live, if you want a single-family residence or townhouse, and what type of financing you want to use. There are some common mistakes that people make when buying a home, but we’ve compiled the best tips to help you avoid them. This includes avoiding costly mistakes that could end up costing you thousands of dollars. In this article, we will list the common mistakes people make when buying a home, and explain smarter or better ways to go through the process with as little stress as possible. 1. Not Starting With A Good...

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