Category - Home Warranty

Home Warranty

What Is a Home Warranty?

As homeowners, we’re constantly trying to save by purchasing furniture and appliances promised to last. Some of them, specifically new appliances, come with warranties that guarantee repairs with low costs or even cost-free. But these warranties expire one day, and most of our appliances are old with time-ago-dusted warranties.  What happens when an essential appliance breaks down and repairing it costs hundreds, not to say thousands of dollars? Let’s not mention cases when it becomes unrepairable, and you have to purchase a new one. Then, you’ll either save for it or let your home warranty cover it.  What is a home warranty? A home warranty is an annual service contract that helps pay for purchasing or repairing a broken appliance or home system covered by the warranty...

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Home Warranty

Trends Of Home Warranty in 2022

New trends change any area of human knowledge to drive the state’s overall development. That is why they are so crucial to people. The appearances that are trends at the moment and popular once had their beginnings. History allows us to look at the mechanisms by which certain trends were developed and which subsequently became trends. One of the driving factors is consumer demand. As you know, demand creates supply. Any business implies manufacturer and consumer sides. Our whole society’s existence consists of trends that have constantly been changing their forms. Now we will discuss this topic from a home warranty trend’s view. Top home warranty providers by the customers’ score Trend # 1 – Post-Covid Age The pandemic has changed all of us a lot. It is remote work, many...

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