Business Loans

Angel Investor: A Guide to Finding Funding for Your Startup

Written by George Spearov

If you have a passion project that you’d like to turn into a successful startup, angel investing may be right for you. They typically provide funding to companies that haven’t raised any outside capital yet and by doing so, they give entrepreneurs access to much needed funds without taking on too many risks themselves.

Despite the countless resources available online, most people still don’t know how to go ahead when it comes to finding funding for their business startup.

And that’s a problem because without capital, you can’t grow your business.

Even if you have a brilliant idea and are ready to deal with every aspect of running your company, you may run into problems with investors due to your current stage of development, or other reasons.

But where do you even begin?

That’s where angel investors come in.

They aren’t interested in investing in just any company—they are hoping to find the next unicorn (a company worth millions). And the best place to look for deals is with startups.

In this article, we will introduce you to the world of Angel Investors and explain how they are used by entrepreneurs who want to start their own businesses but lack access to capital.

What is an Angel Investor?

Angel investors are individuals who invest their own money in early-stage companies.

There are many different types of investors. Some are rich individuals who can fund many projects simultaneously, while others are successful entrepreneurs who see the opportunity to invest in young companies and help them succeed. Others may be friends, family members, or business partners who believe in your company’s success.

These people provide funding for the start-up, either through loans or equity investment, and in return they get a stake in the company and/or an income stream if the company succeeds.

How do angel investors differ from VCs?

Angel investors invest their own money in early-stage companies. They tend to be more hands-on than VCs, providing advice and mentorship to the companies they invest in.

VCs are firms that pool money from investors and invest it in companies. VCs are more likely to invest larger sums of money than angel investors, and they tend to invest in companies that are further along in their development.

Why Should My Company Use an Angel Investor?

There are a number of reasons why your company should consider using an angle investor.

  • One of the most important is access to capital. Angel investors can provide the funds you need to get your business off the ground or to expand your operations. They can also help you to secure other forms of financing, such as loans or venture capital.
  • Besides access to capital, angel investors can also provide valuable advice and mentorship. They can help you to develop and refine your business plan.
  • There are no obligations for business owners who have not applied anywhere else for a new line of credit. Most angel investing involves equity deals, so if the company goes belly up, the angel investor does not have to be paid back.
  • An angel investor is usually an entrepreneur, too. Angel investors often have an abundance of business knowledge and experience.
  • Less administrative work. Organizations that raise money from angels don’t have to do a lot of extra paperwork that they would if they raised money in other ways, like an IPO. This means the organization has less work to do.
  • More cash down the line. They are more likely to continue to invest in the company as it grows, providing it with the necessary capital to expand. Because they invested in the company’s success, they are more likely to offer advice and guidance to help the company grow.

What are the risks of working with an angel investor?

There can be risks associated with angel investing. While many angels invest in startups because they believe in the founders’ vision, others see it as a way to make money.

There is the potential for the investor to take a controlling interest in the company, the potential for the investor to demand a high return on their investment, and the potential for the investor to lose interest in the company over time.

Some angels may only invest in certain industries, such as technology, biotech, or health care. Others may only invest in certain stages of development, like seed funding or Series A rounds. And still others may only invest in certain geographic areas.

All these factors mean that there are a lot of different kinds of angels out there, and it’s hard to tell which ones are trustworthy.

How to find the right angel investor for your business

Finding angel investors is a fairly straightforward process.

First, look to find someone close geographically as many angels like to play an active role in the business they fund. 

Next, focus your search on finding someone who is familiar with your industry. You can start by targeting industry associations and online platforms to locate a good one.

The ACA (Angel Capital Association)is the largest organization for angel investors, with over 14,000 private backers. They have angel events worldwide. They operate in the US, Canada, South America, and the Middle East.

How do you approach an angel investor?

There are two ways 

One is to cold call, and the other is to send a formal email pitch. Both methods require preparation, and both should include a compelling story about why you believe your idea will succeed.

While cold calling may seem like a quick way to get started, it’s best to avoid it unless you have experience pitching to angel investors. Cold calls tend to be impersonal, and it’s easy to sound desperate.

Instead, focus on developing a clear and concise pitch letter that includes a clear description of your product or service, who it benefits, along with a summary of your background and qualifications. Include any financial projections or numbers that support your claims.

Once you’ve developed a solid pitch letter, you can follow up with a phone call to discuss your ideas further.

What Do Angel Investors Consider When Accepting A Company To Invest In?

Angel investors often prefer to invest in companies that are located in their region so they can mentor and have a hands-on approach. 

They like to look for companies that have a strong management team, a clear business model, and a large potential market with a clear path forward, and they want to be sure that the team behind the idea can executing on that plan.

They also want to see evidence that the product is something that people want to pay for.

Finally, they want to see proof that the founder(s) have experience running successful businesses. These factors are why angel investors prefer to invest in young companies rather than established ones.

How Can You Make Your Company Attractive For Investors?

Angel investors are individuals who invest money in startups. These investments range from $5,000 to $10 million dollars. While many angels only invest in a few companies per year, others may invest hundreds or thousands of times a year. Some angels prefer to invest in smaller companies, while others like to invest in larger companies that have already proven themselves. Regardless of size, angel investors look for businesses that have a good chance of succeeding.

They also look for businesses that align with their personal values. Many angels believe that investing in startups is a great way to give back to society by creating jobs and contributing to economic growth. And since angel investors tend to be rich, successful entrepreneurs, they understand the challenges of starting a business.

8 Tips To Keep In Mind If You’re Trying To Attract Investors:

  1. Do your research and present a well-thought-out business plan.
  2. Be passionate about your business and be able to articulate that passion convincingly. 
  3. Have a solid team in place, with complementary skill sets and a good track record. 
  4. Have a clear understanding of your target market and your competitive landscape.
  5. Be able to show significant progress already made with limited resources. 
  6. Have a realistic valuation of your company. 
  7. Be prepared to give up some equity in exchange for funding. 
  8. Be patient – the process can take time and there’s no guarantee of success even if you follow all these tips perfectly.

Final Thoughts

Angel Investors are individuals who invest their own money into startups. They provide capital to companies that are too small to attract venture capitalists, but large enough to be profitable.

While Angel Investors aren’t necessarily experts in investing, they often have connections within the startup community that allow them to identify promising opportunities. In exchange for their investment, Angels usually receive equity (a piece of ownership) in the company.

The process of finding an Angel Investor can be tricky, though. While there are plenty of websites dedicated to helping entrepreneurs connect with potential investors, it’s important to note that these sites help you find investors, not actually fund you. That means that you’ll need to figure out which Angel Investors are interested in funding your idea, reach out to them directly, and ask whether they’d like to meet face-to-face.

Once you’ve found a few potential investors, you’ll want to set up meetings with each of them. You can do this through email, phone calls, or in person. Once you’ve met with each investor, you’ll want to discuss the terms of your deal. These terms include the amount of money you plan to raise, the percentage of ownership you’ll receive, and the length of time you’ll need to repay the loan.

After you’ve finalized the terms of your agreement, you’ll want to write up a formal proposal. This document outlines the details of your project, including its purpose, market size, projected revenue, and expected profit margins. It also includes information about your team, your product, and your plans for growth.